Monday, March 29, 2021

Unit 4: Value of Free Expression

Blog Post #3

By: Meagan Flynn
March 31, 2021

#4: Individual Self-Fulfillment

According to Google, freedom of expression "is a core value in the democratic process. It ensures people are able to discuss, exchange, and debate ideas. This human right allows individuals and communities to find information which is important to them and share it with others, without censorship or reprisals." With this definition, it relates to individual self-fulfillment by knowing that we can discuss and say what we believe in order to fulfill what we want in life. 

I feel number four of the eight values of free expression resonates with me the most. Personally, I do not like politics or conflict, but if I can stand up for what I believe in and what I think is right, then that it most important to me. The summary is "Free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity — and, in the process perhaps, find kindred spirits. Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency and autonomy." I grew up learning that I should stand up for what's right and be who I am. This value of Free Expression just reminds me of what is most important in the world for a young woman like me. For young girls in the world, it is important to know that we can express ourselves create who we want to be in life. We need to learn to be our own person and not look at celebrities, or even just "popular" people in school. Models are horrible examples and we should not look at them for our self fulfillment. Personally, I have learned to not pay attention to a Kardashian or a model like Gigi Hadid. They have flaws, too, but also have the same rights as us. 

On the other hand, the Individual self-fulfillment reminds me of freedom of speech happening today with riots and protests. The Trump rally's along with the black lives matter. We should stand up for what's right, especially against the government who think they can tell us what to do. As long as the rally's are peaceful, people have permission to protest and fight what they want for their human dignity. Personally, when I think of standing up for my rights, I make known what is an issue and what should be changed. For example, there is still an issue of women's rights in the world. If a man is downgrading a woman, it is wrong and as a woman, we have free speech to express ourselves and have human dignity. I get really mad when a woman is put down and not given equal rights as a man does. When there is a real issue in the world to be changed, it is highly acceptable to make that change. 

Overall, individual self-fulfillment comes from our own thinking and beliefs with determination. We are influenced by what we hear and learn, especially from our upbringing. Family and friends have influence on our beliefs which shapes us to who we are. It is our personal choice to stand up for our beliefs and rights and shape ourselves to who we want to be. We have the right to think because of the First Amendment which gives us freedom and protected from the government. Relating to self-fulfillment, we have rights from the government, but before all that, Maslow's hierarchy of needs is important since self-fulfillment is at the top for humans. We have that need in life to fight for what we think is right and that is proof that the First amendment is there for a reason for the problems in the world, too. Ultimately, stand up for what's right and be who you are by the government not controlling you. 

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