Monday, April 26, 2021

Blog #9

 Diffusion Theory

By: Meagan Flynn
April 26, 2021

Roger's Diffusion of Innovations is a theory of how, why, and what rate new ideas and technology spreads. "Rogers argues that diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated over time among the participants in the social system." In order for a new ideas to spread, it needs to be widely adopted. 

In the graph of Roger's Diffusion of Innovations given to the class by Professor Smith, the categories are Pioneers/innovators, early adopters, early majority, late adopters, and laggards. To explain the graph, the x-axis is time and the y-axis is penetration. There will only be 85% penetration/users of anything in the world. It will never reach 100% of users. 

In my first EOTO project, my topic was instant messaging. Relating to the diffusion theory, instant messaging started out as a way of communication for people with computers, so I feel it would be starting out for teens and young adults wanting to stay in touch with friends. As time goes on, instant messaging expanded as it became available on phones and not just on computers. Relating to the chart, it began with the pioneers/innovators which was AOL and grew to be on different apps and ways of communication. Just like other inventions in the technology field, it grows in certain age groups and then dies off as people don't use it anymore. However, like Apple and other tech companies, they create more and more products relating to older products and more people grow the interest in which other people join in, too. 

Depending on the product becoming popular, it depends on what people want to use it for ethically and then those who want it because their favorite celebrity has it. There can be many reasons why product interest increases and there are two main reasons that grow on the chart. Overtime, a product becomes too popular and it is hard to survive without it. For example, instant messaging is how most people connect today, as it is known as texting. Older people, who do not have phones, would fall into the category that do not use the innovation. This explains that not 100% of people use each product no matter how new or old it is to society. 

There are pros and cons to having new innovations grow and become more popular in society. Taking instant messaging for example, instant messaging has pros and cons as it can be great for quick communication, but also it hinders our ability to show emotion as it would be better to talk on the phone for that. These pros and cons can relate to how the growth of a new innovation can stop people from using it and make it die off. If there are more consumers beginning to use the new product, it is more of a pro and will continue for a while until something new comes along. 

Overall, Roger's Diffusion of Innovations chart and theory can explain the growth of any new product coming alive. This theory interests me because I have always been interested in the growth of innovations and how people cling on to a new product so easily. I have to admit, I do the exact same thing with new technology and it is better to weigh the pros and cons then to follow along with the rest of the consumers. 

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